Geriausias tiekėjas namų savo namuose

Turkija, Denizli
...TV antklodės yra puikus palydovas jaukioms vakarams namuose, suteikiančios šilumą ir komfortą, kol atsipalaiduojate ir mėgaujatės savo mėgstamais šou. Pagamintos iš minkštų, pūkuotų medžiagų, šios antklodės siūlo prabangų jausmą, kuris pagerina jūsų poilsio patirtį. Jų didelis dydis užtikrina visišką aprėptį, leidžiančią jums prisiglausti ir išlikti šiltam net ir vėsiausiomis vakarais. TV...

Produktai skirti namų savo namuose (15)

Matcha Rinkinys "Kiniro" - Pilnas Matcha Rinkinys gražioje dovanų dėžutėje

Matcha Rinkinys "Kiniro" - Pilnas Matcha Rinkinys gražioje dovanų dėžutėje

Unser Matcha-Set "Kiniro" enthält eine Matcha-Schale, einen Matcha-Löffel, einen Matcha-Besen und einen passenden Matcha-Besenhalter. Kurzum, alles, was Sie für eine traditionelle Matcha-Zubereitung benötigen. Das Set ist in einer schönen Schachtel verpackt und eignet sich hervorragend als Geschenk. Das Set auf einen Blick: -Matcha-Schale "Chawan" -Matcha-Löffel "Chakashu" -Matcha-Bambusbesen "Chasen" -Matcha-Schneebesenhalter "Chasentate" Verpackung: Schachtel Matcha Set, Maße in cm: 24x13,5x11,5, Bruttogewicht: 660g Hauptkarton 40 Schachteln, Maße in cm: 61x51x52cm 28,0kg; Bruttogewicht: 28,0kg
Valdymas - Įmonių Valdymo Paslaugos

Valdymas - Įmonių Valdymo Paslaugos

Organizaţiile de obicei apelează la serviciile de management al companiei ca o soluţie temporară pentru a compensa lipsa de resurse de management, deşi este, de asemenea, pe scară largă în uz ca soluţie permanentă pentru a asigura gestionarea independentă şi transparentă în conformitate cu vest Standardele europene. O altă aplicaţie tipică este externalizarea anumitor domenii de activitate. Este, de asemenea, o soluţie perfectă pentru începerea unei afaceri pentru organizaţiile din Uniunea Europeană şi din străinătate pentru a-şi deschide entitatea în România. Departamentul de servicii de management al companiei inter-Trust oferă toate soiurile de aplicaţii prin vastul său bazin de consultanţă calificată. Contactati-ne cu nevoile dumneavoastra o in scurt timp vom veni cu o solutie profesionala pentru afacerea dumneavoastra.
sake rinkinys

sake rinkinys

sake set used with sushi
Persikėlimo paruošimas

Persikėlimo paruošimas

Forts de leur expérience, nos déménageurs vous apportent leurs conseils et leur expertise dans ce domaine. De la fourniture de cartons à la visite technique en vue d’évaluer votre besoin, nos experts vous accompagnent avant, pendant et après votre déménagement. Vous résidez à Lyon, à Écully, à Tassin-la-Demi-Lune, à Meyzieu, à Vaulx-en-Velin ou en région lyonnaise ? Faites appel à nos professionnels.
Deimantų mozaika 40x40 cm. - Šis deimantinis paveikslas yra pusfabrikačio produktas ir visiškai DIY amatas.

Deimantų mozaika 40x40 cm. - Šis deimantinis paveikslas yra pusfabrikačio produktas ir visiškai DIY amatas.

Handmade diamond painting is Perfect for Wall decoration and home decoration. In addition, if you like other pattern diamond painting, you can see other goods in our shop. Unique perfect and stylish design can help you to make your drawing room, bedroom and other places become vivifying, keeping you in a good mood all day. It is also a perfect gift for friends. Contents: - canvas with an adhesive layer and a color scheme without wooden frame, - acrylic rhinestones according to the set (round), - a special stylus-pen for working with rhinestones with a soft holder and 3 additional attachments for it: for 3 and 9 rhinestones, and an attachment for aligning rhinestones on the canvas, - two gel glues, - tray for sorting rhinestones, - instructions. The kit is packaged in a plastic box.
Sieninis šildytuvas "Bungalow" - Sieniniai šildytuvai

Sieninis šildytuvas "Bungalow" - Sieniniai šildytuvai

Do you remember how on a sunny winter day, you touched your car, and its surface was hot? This is because the Solar rays do not need air to provide us with warmth, because the Sun emits far infrared waves. Our products work based on this principle, because main heating elements consist of carbon fiber (thread) that emits far infrared rays. Voltage:220/230 V Heating element:carbon fiber Power:400 W Dimensions when unfolded:98×57 cm
Nekilnojamojo Turto Reklama - Nekilnojamojo Turto Reklama

Nekilnojamojo Turto Reklama - Nekilnojamojo Turto Reklama

Προώθηση Ακινήτων Η έμπειρη ομάδα μας εργάζεται καθημερινά για την προώθηση του ακινήτου σας στην αγορά της Ελλάδας και του εξωτερικού. Η Find Real Estate έχει εξασφαλίσει κορυφαία πακέτα διαφήμισης και προβάλει καθημερινά το ακίνητό σας στα πιο αξιόπιστα Real Estate Portals με τη μεγαλύτερη επισκεψιμότητα στην Ελλάδα, καθώς και σε πάνω από 200 Portals του εξωτερικού. Η σύγχρονη ιστοσελίδα μας είναι ένα από τα βασικά εργαλεία για την παρουσίαση του ακινήτου σας στο διαδίκτυο. Η άκρως επαγγελματική και φιλική προς τον επισκέπτη ηλεκτρονική παρουσίαση των ακινήτων, σε συνδυασμό με την έντονη παρουσία μας στα social media (Facebook, YouTube κα) και τα πιο δυναμικά εργαλεία προώθησης εγγυώνται την προσέγγιση του κατάλληλου υποψήφιου αγοραστή/ενοικιαστή. Kαλέστε: +30 2114004141, +30 2114004242 ώστε να συζητήσουμε και να εξασφαλίσουμε την αποτελεσματικότερη προώθηση του ακινήτου σας και την επιλογή του ανάλογου πακέτου προβολής.
Ilgas Akmens Spalvos Unisex Lino Kimono - Ilgomis Rankovėmis Akmens Spalvos Dryžuotas Kimono Rūbas Unisex

Ilgas Akmens Spalvos Unisex Lino Kimono - Ilgomis Rankovėmis Akmens Spalvos Dryžuotas Kimono Rūbas Unisex

-Organik dokuma kumaşı %100 doğal pamuktan üretilmiştir. -S/M/L bedene uyumludur -Unisex bir üründür. -Bürümcüklü kumaş yapısı sayesinde beden ile mükemmel uyum sağlar. -Zamansız tasarımı sayesinde her mevsim kullanabileceğiniz natural, yumuşak ve doğa dostudur. -Doğal içerikleri sayesinde çevreye verilen zarar en aza indirgenmiştir. -Sınırlı sayıda üretimi mevcuttur -Makinada hassas yıkama yapmanız ve düz bir zeminde kurutmanız tavsiye edilir. Kuruma sonrası bürümcüklü yapısı ütüleme ile pürüzsüz hale gelmektedir. -Hamile Kadınlar İçin oldukça rahat bir kıyafettir.
Golden Nag Smilkalai ir kūgiai - Didmeninė prekyba Golden Nag Smilkalais ir kūgiais 12x

Golden Nag Smilkalai ir kūgiai - Didmeninė prekyba Golden Nag Smilkalais ir kūgiais 12x

Wholesale Golden Nag Incense and cones. This brand is the posh version on the popular Sai Baba Blue Nag Champa and increasingly popular. These incense sticks are hand rolled in India using pure extracts and the finest scented oils. Let this aroma fill your home or shop and create a wonderful atmosphere. The finest spices, herbs, floral extracts, exotic oils and other natural ingredients are carefully selected and skillfully blended for their positive influence. Imported directly from the factory in Bangalore, India - giving you the keenest prices on this incense range. Contains 15g of incense (approx 15 sticks) A pack contains 12 boxes, Recyclable packaging, Free from Toxic substances. Burn time: Approx 30 min
Reikšmingam bendravimui - GenYous

Reikšmingam bendravimui - GenYous

GenYous® is an uncoated Premium digital printing paper made out of 100% ECF bleached pulp, FSC® certified. (FSC-C002321) Genyous® is HP Indigo approved and also suitable for dry toner & offset printing presses. GenYous® is characterized by the unusual combination of high volume and smoothness. The wide grammage range of 90-400gsm offers numerous applications. Range 90, 100, 120, 140, 170, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400gsm in monojet. White and Black Applications Covers Brochure Cosmetic packaging Premium packaging Paper size:46x32cm SRA3 – 53x75cm B2
Naujųjų metų diena (Autorius: Matsuo Basho)

Naujųjų metų diena (Autorius: Matsuo Basho)

MATSUO BASHO (1644-1694) gilt als Mitbegründer der japanischen Versform Haiku. Seine Gedichte spiegeln die Einfachheit seiner meditativen Lebensweise wider. Er versah viele seiner Verse mit einer mystischen Qualität und versuchte, die großen, weltbewegenden Themen durch einfache Naturbilder auszudrücken. Neujahrstag ist eine Reflexion über das Alleinsein mit der Natur und den Wechsel der Jahreszeiten. Autor: Matsuo Basho Deutsche Fassung: A. Gerhard Graphisches Design und Layout: Tony Vera Fünf illustrierte Haikus Format:13x10 cm Hardcover, farbig bedruckt, 30 Seiten Zweite Auflage: 2017 Preis: 10,50 € ISBN: 978-3-943117-90-5
Dizaino radiatorius VD 4612

Dizaino radiatorius VD 4612

Radiateur design VD 4612 réf:VD4612
Stalo Terariumas Bambukas Be Dirvožemio Augalas Stiklas - Stalo Terariumas Bambukas Y Be Dirvožemio Augalas Stiklas Skaidrus Vaza Medis D

Stalo Terariumas Bambukas Be Dirvožemio Augalas Stiklas - Stalo Terariumas Bambukas Y Be Dirvožemio Augalas Stiklas Skaidrus Vaza Medis D

Ahşap ürünlerimiz içerisinde ahşap Teraryum Bambu Yaratıcı Topraksız Bitki Cam Şeffaf Vazo Ahşap promosyon ürünleri ve bir çok hatıra ürünü kalıcı ve kaliteli bir çalışma ile sizlere sunuyoru
JUNGLE LINIJA - LEOPARDAS - Dekoratyviniai Dažai

JUNGLE LINIJA - LEOPARDAS - Dekoratyviniai Dažai

Diluizione: tutte le pitture decorative JUNGLE sono pronte all’uso e devono essere accuratamente mescolate prima e durante l’applicazione.Temperatura per applicazione: superiore a +5°C e inferiore a +30°C.Resistenza: dopo il completo indurimento, si ottiene una pellicola traspirante con buona resistenza agli urti ed alla normale abrasione.Lavabilità: dopo 15 giorni dall’applicazione del ciclo, la superficie acquisisce le sue proprietà definitive, diventa quindi traspirante e resistente al lavaggio con acqua e comuni detersivi neutri.Pulizia attrezzi: con acqua.Conservazione: in latta ben chiusa, anche dopo l’uso, a temperatura superiore a +5°C e inferiore a +30°C. Stabilità: 2 anni circa.NORME PARTICOLARI DI SICUREZZA:Evitare il contatto diretto con la pelle, proteggere gli occhi ed il viso, in caso di contatto, lavare immediatamente ed abbondantemente con acqua e consultare il medico. Le attrezzature non devono essere lavate in corsi d’acqua, scarichi, ecc.AVVERTENZE PER L’UTILIZZATO
Kietas Masažo Aliejus - Ugninė - Meilės Gėrimas

Kietas Masažo Aliejus - Ugninė - Meilės Gėrimas

Un philtre d’amour, pour hommes et femmes au tempérament de feu qui saura vous redonner de la tonicité et réchauffer l’atmosphère. Catégorie : Gamme Nuit Étiquettes : Menthe Poivrée, Eucalyptus, Ylang-Ylang, Frangipanier